Company History
- Q What year was Tanseisha established in ?
- A Tanseisha Co., Ltd. was established in December, 1959.
- Q When did you begin over-the-counter trading for your stock ?
- A In September, 1983, we offered the stock to the public on Tokyo over-the-counter market.
- Q When did you go on the second section of Tokyo Stock Exchange ?
- A In March, 1987, we went on the second section of Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- Q When were you appointed on the first section of Tokyo Stock Exchange ?
- A In March, 2000, we were apointed on the first section of Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- Q What is your securities code ?
- A It’s “9743”.
- Q Do you intend to go public on the foreign stock market hereafter ?
- A We don’t intend to go public at the moment.
- Q Do you adopt a hospitality program for stockholders ?
- A We don’t adopt it yet at this moment.
- Q Do you intend to do share splitting ?
- A We don’t schedule it yet at this stage.
- Q How many stocks is your unit of exchange ?
- A It is in units of 100 stocks.
- Q When is the fixed date of stockholders on dividend?
- A Profit sharing is on 31th, January and midterm dividend is on 31th, July.
Business performance
- Q Can you tell us what the business performance of Tanseisha is about ?
- A We put the latest news about it in the financial data page.
Please see here about it.
- Q Can you tell us the accounting term of Tanseisha ?
- A Our accounting term is 31th, January. However we issue a statement on our business performance per quarter period.
- Q Can you tell us about group companies of Tanseisha ?
- A Please see here about our consolidated affiliates.
- Q How do I find out about projects with which Tanseisha has been involved?
- A Please click here for the Tanseisha’s main completed works.
Contact Us
For inquiries or information about stockholders and investors, you can contact us by clicking here.